Welcome to
AMTECH Associates L.L.C.
25 + years of Service of Excellence


About us
AMTECH Associates, LLC. (AMTECH) is a full service environmental consulting firm comprised of a team of highly qualified engineering professionals with over 130 years of combined experience in providing environmental consulting and environmental engineering services; wastewater treatment and reuse alternatives; solid waste engineering and management; environmental investigation; geotechnical engineering; construction management; technology solutions; and engineering project management. It is registered as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Arizona and is based in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.
The founding managing member of AMTECH, a Registered Professional Engineer (PE) in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, brings extensive large-scale environmental investigation and remediation project, project development, solid waste engineering, and construction management experience to this organization. AMTECH’s various environmental project clients include: multinational corporations such as Catalyst Paper, Inc. (formerly Abitibi Consolidated Sales), Rock-Tenn (formerly Smurfit-Stone), Waste Connections, PFFJ, Inc. - Hormel, Damon S. Williams Associates (DSWA), Tucson Electric Power Company, Uni-Source Electric, Pinnacle West Corporation (APS), KDS, and Power Management, Inc.; government agencies such as City of Phoenix and Joseph City Wastewater Management District and a number of local and national large scale commercial and residential property developers. The environmental investigation services require the integration of many specialized areas, such as:
Understanding of the federal, state, and local regulatory programs specific to the need for site investigation, regulatory search, and conducting preferred remediation alternative
Site identification and record search
Developing work environmental sampling and analysis plan (SAP)
Developing site-specific health and safety plan (SHP) based on the known and unknown hazards
Identifying state approved Analytical Laboratory to perform on-site and/or off-site chemical analysis
Selecting a registered land surveyor to develop pertinent site plans related to the environmental investigation and remediation services
Conducting Phase I and Phase II environmental investigation
Civil engineering for facility layout, grading, drainage, and road design
Geotechnical engineering for site characterization
The AMTECH team brings these elements together in a manner that few firms can match. AMTECH is one of the leading firms in the state of Arizona in providing environmental consulting services for landfills and power plants, and has a comprehensive knowledge of environmental regulations.

Our outstanding projects
The AMTECH team conducted the following projects:
Catalyst Paper, Inc. (Formerly Abitibi Consolidated Sales) – Biomass Irrigation Project, Snowflake, Arizona. AMTECH personnel were responsible for the design and development of approximately 4,000 acres of Biomass Irrigation project (reuse project) that included treatment of paper mill effluent using DAF (Dissolved Air Floatation Device). The project also included development of a 200-acre lined storage impoundment, permitting of an existing 500-acre storage impoundment, several miles of conveyance system, and solid waste disposal facility to handle recovered sludge from the DAF. The irrigation project included reuse of reclaimed wastewater generated from the paper and pulp mill for beneficial use and to prevent surface water discharge of wastewater from the mill.
Tucson Electric Power - Springville Generating Station Units 3 and 4 Expansion, Springerville, Arizona. AMTECH was retained by Tucson Electric Power (TEP) to provide excavation and liner installation CQA services for nine (9) ponds as part of the Unit 3 Expansion project at the TEP’s Springerville Generating Station. Seven (7) out of the nine (9) ponds included double liners with leak detection systems.
APS – Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. AMTECH was retained for the development of Best Available Demonstrated Control Technology (BADCT) compliance document for multiple wastewater effluent from various activities at the APS’ Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS).
APS – Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. AMTECH was retained to provide liner design and CQA services for the construction of a new 40 acres make-up water reservoir at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.
APS – Cholla Generating Station. AMTECH was retained to develop Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) applications for a number of wastewater discharge streams at the APS’ Cholla Generating Station (Cholla).
Uni-Source Electric – Black Mountain Generating Station. AMTECH was retained to develop Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) application for a number of wastewater discharge streams at the Uni-Source Electric’s Black Mountain Generating Station (BMGS).
Joseph City Wastewater Management District – Joseph City Wastewater Treatment Plant. AMTECH was retained to develop Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) application for a number of wastewater discharge streams for the Joseph City Wastewater Treatment Plant (JCWWTP).
Glenn Weinberger, Inc. – 43rd Avenue Landfill, Phoenix, Arizona. AMTECH was retained for performing the groundwater and landfill gas investigation services at Glenn Weinberger, Inc. 43rd Avenue Landfill.
Glenn Weinberger, Inc. – Rainbow Valley Landfill, Maricopa County, Arizona. AMTECH was retained for performing the groundwater and landfill gas investigation services at Glenn Weinberger, Inc. Rainbow Valley Landfill.
Vulcan Materials Co. – Rio Salado – Phoenix Reach, Phoenix, Arizona. AMTECH was retained to develop a site-specific waste characterization plan to haul inert debris from the Rio Salado – Phoenix Reach project at the Vulcan’s Inert Landfill.
Colorado River Indian Tribes – Pesticide Spill. AMTECH was retained for developing a sampling and analysis plan to perform site investigation services for suspected pesticide contamination due to a spill event occurred at the Colorado River Indian Tribe.
Catalyst Paper, Inc. (Formerly Abitibi Consolidated Sales) – Dry Lake Remediation Services, Snowflake, Arizona. AMTECH was retained for performing the site characterization in conjunction with the closure of 2,200 acres lake that received effluent and solids from a large paper and pulp mill in Arizona.
In addition, AMTECH personnel had been involved with the following City of Phoenix (COP) projects:
City of Phoenix – SR 85 Landfill Cell 1 Phases 2 - 4 Excavation and Lining Projects
City of Phoenix – SR 85 Landfill Cell 1 Phases 1 & 2 Closure Projects
City of Phoenix – Skunk Creek Landfill Cell 6 Closure
City of Phoenix – Skunk Creek Landfill Cell 5 Closure
City of Phoenix – Skunk Creek Landfill Cells 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3B Drainage Improvements
City of Phoenix – 19th Avenue and 27th Avenue Landfills Drainage Improvements
City of Phoenix – S 85 Landfill Phases 2 & 3 Drainage Systems

Amtech Associates L.L.C.
AMTECH offers a broad range of services in the fields of civil engineering field inspections and construction management. The following is a partial listing:
General Civil Engineering
Planned Community Developments (PCDs)
Roadway Design
Wastewater Treatment Plant Design
Construction Management
Expert Testimony and Witness
Environmental Assessment
Community Relations
Approval to Construct and Approval of Construction Permitting
Hydrology Design and Modeling
Storm water Sewer Design
Wastewater Conveyance Systems Design
Aquifer Protection Permitting
Wastewater and Water Master Plans
Landfill Siting and Design
Water Quality Programs
Computer Modeling
Community Relations

Experiences Key personnel
The following indicates key staff assignments for fulfilling the need for environmental services. The qualifications of the team members are discussed below.
Syed Amanatullah, PE. Mr. Amanatullah brings over 38 years of diverse engineering and consulting experience to the team and will be responsible for project management, investigation oversight, SAP preparation activities, and day-to-day client coordination. Mr. Amanatullah has been with the firm for 23 years. Mr. Amanatullah has served as project manager on environmental investigation and remediation services for several landfill sites and he is well experienced in regulatory coordination and negotiation for industrial facilities, mining sites, and solid waste landfills projects. While with the ADEQ, Mr. Amanatullah worked on over 40 site closure plans and a number of solid waste facility plans (SWFP), as well as Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) applications for solid waste facilities. He served as Project Manager and Resident Engineer for excavation and lining of Cell 1 Phases 2 through 4, closure of Cell 1 Phases 1 and 2, and the Phases 2 through 3 Stormwater System at the City of Phoenix’s (COP’s) State Route (SR 85) Landfill. He performed the design and construction administration services in conjunction with closure for the COP’s Skunk Creek Landfill Cell No. 6, Cell No. 5, and Cell Nos. 3/4 Phase 1. Mr. Amanatullah served as the Director of Engineering Services for managing a group of engineers at Shaw Group’s (formerly EMCON) Phoenix and Tucson offices. He also served as Senior Engineer for design and construction of several projects at Abitibi’s Snowflake, Arizona paper mill. He has experience in managing the design, permitting, and construction of a 230-acre Mill impoundment Dam and Spillway, performing design and permitting of an Ash Lagoon Dam, engineering evaluations of dams at two mine sites in Arizona. He also served as the Manager of ADEQ’s Plan Review and Aquifer Protection Permit (APP) Units responsible for supervising the engineering review and permitting activities for numerous projects in the state. While with the ADEQ as a review engineer, he reviewed over 90 design and specifications documents relating to different landfills, mines and industrial facilities. His strengths have always been the ability to recognize good talent, communicate and resource large scale projects, and follow through with concept to completion and reality. He directed Remedial Investigation (RI) and Engineering Evaluation activities in conjunction with the closure of Arizona Army National Guard Camp Navajo Sanitary Landfill and many other sites in Arizona and California.
Kevin Goldman. Mr. Goldman is Project Hydrogeologist and has 22 years of experience in hydrogeological fields. He has wide-ranging knowledge of federal, state, and tribal environmental regulations and has experience in solid waste plan modifications, landfill compliance activities, aquifer protection permitting, quality assurance plans, health and safety plans, and computer modeling. Mr. Goldman has been with the firm for 15 years.
Ms. Nasim A. Begum has 21 years of experience working as Senior Scientist at the Arizona Department of Health Services and Project Scientist at AMTECH Associates, LLC’s (AMTECH’s) Arizona offices. She was responsible for conducting scientific investigation, laboratory analyses, statistical evaluation of the results, and report writing. Ms. Begum has been with the firm for 18 years.
Ms. Tamara Jim is the Project Engineer and has worked on numerous projects involving landfill liner design, landfill closure design, construction quality assurance, closure and post-closure plans, solid waste facility plans/aquifer protection permits, and landfill groundwater and gas monitoring activities. Ms. Jim has 24 years of experience in civil and environmental engineering fields. She has been with the firm for 22 years. She has wide-ranging knowledge of federal, state, and tribal environmental regulations and has experience in solid waste plan modifications, landfill compliance activities, aquifer protection permitting, quality assurance plans, health and safety plans, and computer modeling. Prior to joining AMTECH, Ms. Jim managed the Air Quality Control Program within the Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency where she was responsible for developing the air quality program in conjunction with the USEPA requirements. Ms. Jim also worked as an intern for a number of federal agencies, including Los Alamos National Laboratory, USEPA, and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals.
Brian Keeney is the Project Engineer and performed the design work for the City of Phoenix numerous Landfills. He also performed CQA inspection work for these projects. He has been with the firm for 22 years and served as project engineer.
Po-Yen Wang, P.E. Mr. Wang is the Senior Engineer and has 38 years of experience managing and overseeing engineering projects for large corporations as well as for consulting industry. He performs Geotechnical and Environmental services for existing projects. Mr. Wang is a registered civil engineer with over 38 years of experience as a project manager who also has a great deal of experience with construction management, inspection projects, and materials testing. He developed permit applications to allow these landfills to be operated as engineered fills.
Mokbul H. Chowdhury, P.E. is the Senior Engineer and has 38 years of experience managing and overseeing engineering projects for large corporations as well as for consulting industry. He performs Geotechnical and Environmental services for existing projects. Mr. Chowdhury is a registered civil engineer with over 38 years of experience as a project manager who also has a great deal of experience with construction management, inspection projects, and materials testing. As AMTECH’s senior engineer, Mr. Chowdhury is currently responsible for oversight of inert debris engineered fill operations at Vulcan Materials Co.’s California landfills.

Phone: 480 705-6494
Office Address: 8666 E. San Alberto Dr., Scottsdale, AZ 85258